You need to update this with Contest 17.
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Story Contest History {NEW}
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Hello, everybody,
I am sorry it took a while to update the history - I have had quite a hard time find the few minutes to even turn on the computer at home.Now, the results of the latest contest are in place, and I will take care of the upcoming Best of the Best contest shortly.
EDIT: Done.Please cast your vote for the very best story of contests 14 through 17 here:
Best of the Best: Contests 14-17Last edited by vovan; July 20, 2003, 20:26.
Updated the history by putting in the results of the Best of the Best for 14-17, as well as the latest contest, #18.
Quite frankly I am slightly disappointed with the "voter turn-out" (that sounds like something from a bad political TV show)... We need more people writing and voting in here.
If the forum remains inactive, I will have to write something!
(Hehe, hope that isn't too bad of a threat.)
And of course, every time I update the history, I give a wacky fact.Well here is the one for today:
Wacky fact: The finals for the latest contest, #18, saw the second lowest voter turnout in history: only nine votes. The lowest number of votes ever was registered for Contest 9. It is true, however, that the winner of this contest had the lowest number of votes in any contest, with only four supporters. The second lowest, 5 votes for the winner, is shared among a lot of other contests.
Well, I compiled a little graph of the voter turnout over the course of the contests, and it seems it doesn't really depend much on anything but the time of year.
Updated the history.
Congrats to the winner, and thanks to Paddy for his efforts in promoting the contest, and everyone that put a link in their sig, as well as to all those who have actually dropped by for a good read and a vote. This contest saw 23 voters, which was a 150% increase over the previous contest and was, in fact, one of the highest voter turnouts ever. Before this contest, there was only Contest 4 (May 17, 2002), which had 24 voters, and Contest 16 (April 2, 2003), which had 23 voters.
Agains, thanks all!
Updated the history according to the latest contest developments.